National Disability Pride Month

Learn more about Disability Pride and how you can integrate it into your marketing campaigns and business objectives.

Setup a Pride Program
Woman leading a blind woman with a white cane

What is Disability Pride Month? Disability Pride Month flips the perspective that disabled people are to hide their disabilities. Instead, we reject the shame projected on us and embrace our disabilities as a part of who we are.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? The ADA is a disability rights law that is the foundation for bettering access and opportunities for the disabled community.

Bring Disability to the Forefront

Boost Your Market: 1 in 4 Americans have a disability, making a $490 billion market, the disability community is the 3rd largest market in the US and the World.

Become an Ally: Share across your social media platforms that you have taken our Disability Pride Training and that your organization is an ally to the disability community.

Improve Inclusion: Inclusion means going beyond accessibility. Drive innovation at your organization by welcoming and empowering disabled experiences to the table.

Disability Pride & Etiquette Training Special!

July is Disability Pride month and October is Disability Employment Awareness month.

1-hour training for your organization for $500! Includes a 15-minute Q&A session following the training!

A Sneak Peek Into Our Training


A woman cheering after she's won a handbike race on a track


  • Learn about Disability Pride
  • Learn why Disability Pride is important
  • Understand Ableism and how to combat it
  • Learn how disabled people use Disability as an asset
  • Understand how to be a disability ally and empower the disability community

Come to the training session ready to ask questions about disability. Daman are open books and view answering questions as a part of their job in order to educate. They strive to provide a safe space and would prefer you ask them questions over a random disabled person at the grocery store (as they probably just want to buy their groceries).

Bring inclusivity to your organization today

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