Disability Inclusion Training

Educate your organization about people with disabilities and create a more welcoming place.

Create Inclusive Training
Business owner with cerebral palsy driving his wheelchair up a ramp

We serve as trusted advisors to empower industry leaders in creating an accessible world for people with disabilities.

There are many reasons why disability inclusion training is important, but three reasons in particular stand out. First, when people with disabilities are included in all aspects of society, it leads to a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone. Second, when businesses and organizations have employees who are trained in disability inclusion, it makes the workplace more welcoming and accessible for people with disabilities. Third, when people have a better understanding of disability inclusion, they are less likely to exhibit discriminatory attitudes and behavior towards people with disabilities.

Wandke Academy Course Compass

We incorporate disability into the diversity, equity, and inclusion conversation by offering a wide range of training session topics on disability inclusion and awareness.Our trainings can be done on Zoom/Google Hangouts or in-person. Each training is 60-90 minutes. Options:

Core Level

  • Disability Sensitivity 101
  • Accessible Organizations 101
  • Zoom Accessibility 101
  • Social Media Accessibility 101

Deep Dive Level

  • Applying Web-Accessibility
  • Advancing Accessibility for Your Employees
  • Understanding Universal Design

Masterclass Level

  • Converting MS Word to Accessible PDFs
  • Designing Accessible Presentations
  • Creating Accessible PDFs in Adobe Acrobat
  • Applying Accessible Web-Design
  • Conducting Web-Accessibility Testing
A line of different colors of beer

"Daman and Kyann commanded the room with humor, compassion, and new information. We all walked away with a deeper understanding and willingness to make changes in both our personal and professional lives.

Janet E. Lightner

Boundary Bay Brewer

Bring inclusivity to your organization today

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