Web Accessibility Consulting

Nearly 15.2 Americans have a visual impairment and roughly 7.6 million are deaf or hard of hearing. Remove accessibility barriers from your online presence.

Create an Equal Playing Field
Accessible entry sign

Disability is a reality of life,
but it doesn't have to be a barrier.

A man's hands using a device to help him read a computer

Our team will help you create an online experience where people with disabilities can usefully access all of your website’s features through any means necessary, including:

  • Switch control hardware or software
  • Screen reader programs that converted text into audio files (so they don’t could read it themselves while guests browse without worries about missing important information on webpages (such as prices)
  • Magnifiers which enables visually impaired visitors see what’s happening close up by doubling their normal field-of view–allowing them greater freedom than ever before when visiting places like stores where salespeople may not want customers touching products
  • Closed captioning for deaf or hearing-impaired users who want to be able to follow along with audio content

When you work with Wandke Accessibility, you can rest assured knowing that your website will be accessible, inclusive and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We will thoroughly test your site to identify any potential accessibility barriers. You can trust that our team of experts will provide you with the best possible service to make your website as accessible as possible.

User Impact Studies


If you're a business owner or organization (non-profit or otherwise), it's important to make your website accessible to everyone. 

This means making sure it's compatible with Switch Control, Switch Access, and on-screen keyboards. These features make websites easier to use for people who lack dexterity and can't use a mouse or keyboard. In the United States alone, 19.9 million people could benefit from ADA compliant websites with switch access.


Making websites easier for those with vision impairments means adding audio equivalents to all visual content.

This will ensure that people who are blind, low vision, or have reading disabilities can access all the information on a website. Approximately 15.2 million Americans have some form of vision impairment, so it is important to make sure that their needs are taken into account when designing and developing websites.


If you are a non-profit business owner with a website, it is important to make sure that your site is accessible to the deaf community.

This means providing visual equivalents to all audio content and videos, as well as transcripts and captions where necessary. Roughly 7.6 million Americans are deaf or hard of hearing, so it's important to make your site as user-friendly as possible for them.

Usability Testing

This process answers one simple question: Can a person with a disability navigate your website easily?

We provide usability testing, employing the use of assistive technologies to ensure the front end of your website complies with web accessibility guidelines. In order to review your website’s usability for people with disabilities, we apply screen reader, screen magnifier, on-screen keyboards, and switch testing.

Technical Testing

The testing that we do helps to ensure that your website meets accessibility guidelines, and after we're done, it will be easier for people with disabilities to use.

We add scripts that identify the inaccessible elements of your website and make them accessible by adding ARIA tags. In some cases, making the website accessible requires more alterations.

Document Remediation

We provide document remediations to include necessary features that better include people with disabilities. In this process we ensure that your documents are compatible with assistive technologies and align with web accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.1).

Accessible Web Development

Our document remediation service includes all the necessary features to make your documents more accessible to people with disabilities. This includes ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies and compliance with web accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.1).

Bring inclusivity to your organization today

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